Big black is trying to kill me..

Posted: April 2, 2013 in happy, love, rules

So Lady gives me what shall now and forevermore be named “the order from Hell”(sleep with big black in my pussy every night).

It’s tolerable, but i think the thing has a mind of its own. When i wake up in the middle of the night and find him underneath me or trying to insert itself in my ASS (ohhellno) or down by my feet laughing at me it’s not so fun. Cause Lady’s all on to that. She told me if it comes out during the night I get a beating before She leaves. So of course I wake up and quickly pretend its been in all night and I’m a good girl, I am. She knows better, but it’s still fun.

The most interesting part is when She watches me put him in before bed. Her inner Dom starts jumping up and down and she has to be “all up in it”….

“Fuck that hole like Lady does, cunt”
“Cunt I said don’t you DARE cum”
“Fuck it, you’re not fucking it hard enough, do I need to shove it in FOR you?”

Apparently this is our semi-regular nighttime entertainment, which works for me.

But the worst part is -do you know how HARD it is NOT TO TOUCH with my pussy throbbing around that thing???

“Ok Lady, it’s in”
“Good, now go to sleep”

I hate that. And that is why She loves it.

I think I’ll “help” him run away….

What do you think?